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Serving HTML Files from Web Crossing

The webx/HTML Directory
The webx/HtmlLinks Directory

The webx/HTML Directory

Whether or not you are running in Direct Web Service mode, you can have Web Crossing serve up regular HTML files.

You can use Web Crossing Template Language in these HTML files to personalize the content for the user or the situation, or you can serve static files.

To have Web Crossing serve HTML files, find your HTML directory inside the webx directory on the server. Place your HTML files in there and reset the file cache at Control Panel > Reset File Cache.

To view dynamic HTML files (those with WCTL elements), or to view any HTML files when you're running in CGI mode, you must use the following formula:


You can put sub-directories in your HTML directory and reference them as well, but you must specify a filename within the final directory (Web Crossing won't automatically display index.html as most web servers do).


Generally speaking you should include the %% certificate %% code if your link satisfies one or both of these qualifications:

  • your link is served by Web Crossing from a Web Crossing template, an html page, or control panel entry
  • your link is included in a discussion or folder header, assuming you are posting as a host or as a sysop, and you have the WCTL interpretation checkbox turned on in the Control Panel > General Settings > Treat all sysop and host headings as WCTL templates


If it's in a page served by the regular web server or in a plain message, don't include the %% certificate %% code when you construct the URL or you'll get an error message when you click on the link.

To view static HTML files (those without WCTL elements) when you're in Direct Web Service Mode you can use either the formula above to view static files, or a regular URL, with the root of the server being the HTML directory:


This would reference the same file as the second example above, one with the pathway: /webx/HTML/subdirectory/htmlfile.html

Summary chart

98@@ any HTML file all HTML files
regular URL static files  


The webx/htmlLinks directory

In your webx directory is an htmlLinks directory which holds all static files and subdirectories you want to access via Web Crossing links. These files will not have WCTL interpreted, and cannot be viewed via a regular URL such as:


The only way these files can be seen is via any Web Crossing links you create. You can put the link in an area with an access list on it and, in that way, control access to those private static files.

However, these are static files. How do you create a protected link to a dynamic page?

You can create a link to a 98@@-served file to by putting the whole URL into the link form, but the 98@@-served file will still be visible to anyone outside the access-list-protected area. So the best way to create protection for dynamic pages is to make them into a macro, and protect access to the macro name.

See Linking to Macros and HTML files, and Access Lists for Macros and HTML files for more information.



I uploaded a new file, but I don't see the changes.

  • Reset the cache
  • Check the URL


I'm trying to view my file, but I'm getting a "file not found" error.

  • Check the URL and directory pathway
  • Make certain you've specified index.html or some other filename in the final directory



Sysop Documentation

Sysop Control Panel

  • Reset file cache

A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

© 2000 Web Crossing, Inc.