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Logging Overview
The Common Log File - logging so you can analyze user access
Logging for Debugging
Other Log Files

Web Crossing provides a number of log files and settings which control their operation. Using Web Crossing's logging features you can discover problems in network activity, analyze the kinds of users who visit your site and keep track of site traffic, track the flow of mail and NNTP messages in and out of your system and generate useful debugging information to help isolate speed or other problems that may occur with any large serving system

Some of the log files are controlled by settings inside the Control Panel and some are automatically generated as part of the standard operation of Web Crossing. The various log file settings are not all in one place, so we need to go through through the different kinds of log files, what they are used for and where they are controlled by the sysop.

Common Log

Perhaps the most familiar log file for web server administrators is the so called Common Log format file used by almost all web servers. The Common Log format is an ordinary text file and can be found in the common.log file in your WebX directory. Each line of common.log looks like the following sample, taken from WebX Harbor: - doug [22/May/2000:17:10:01 +0900] "POST /cgi-bin/harbor/admin/Logging HTTP/1.0" 200 10732

200 19251 - Smith%20James [22/May/2000:17:10:32 +0900] "GET /cgi-bin/harbor HTTP/1.1" 200 14667 - Smith%20James [22/May/2000:17:10:59 +0900] "GET /cgi-bin/harbor/view/ShowInContext/WebX_Harbor_Institute_of_Technology_(WIT) HTTP/1.1" 200 17649


Each line is quite long, so we have inserted a blank line between records in the above listing, just to make it clearer. Your own common.log file will not have blank lines between each record.

The information provided in each record is:

  • The requesting IP address.
  • The authenticated user name, if available.
  • The date and time of the access.
  • The action taken (form submission, URL visited, etc.)
  • The HTTP Status code for the request (in the above example, 200 means "OK - the request was fulfilled").
  • The number of bytes transferred during this request.

There is also what is known as an "extended common log format" that provides the referrer (the IP address which contained the link to your site) and the agent (the type of browser used for the access), in addition to the above data. You can check a box in the Control Panel > General Settings to include those two items in your common.log file as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Other Common Log Settings


You can set the common.log file name to whatever you like. Also, the second checkbox lets you create daily common.log files automatically. This is convenient for backup and removal because this file can grow to be quite large.

In order to have Web Crossing generate a common.log file you must be using Direct Web Service. If you are running as a CGI under another web server, such as Apache, you must use the Common Log features of your web server.

After you have confirmed that you are using Direct Web Service, you can turn on Common Log logging in the Control Panel. The setting is located near the bottom of the Control Panel, where all the logging controls are gathered in one place.

Note: In previous versions of Web Crossing, all the logging controls were scattered in different places, inside different Control Panel sub-menus. Only since the spring of 2000 have the different log settings been organized better and placed in one location at the bottom of the main Control Panel. If you are using an earlier version of Web Crossing we urge you to upgrade - it is free if you're upgrading from 3.x! If you cannot upgrade yet, you can find your Common Log settings inside the Direct Web Service Control Panel.


Figure 2 shows the Log Settings section in the Control Panel.


figure 2 - Log Settings in the Control Panel


To turn on Common Log format logging just

  1. Check the Common Log checkbox and
  2. Click the Install New Log Settings button

That's all there is to it. Web Crossing will then start logging all incoming requests and you can view the common.log file whenever you wish.

Be careful! The common.log file, like some other log files you can turn on in the Control Panel, grows in size fairly quickly, depending on how many accesses you have. If you are not careful, your log file can easily grow to be larger than your webx.db database file itself. So be sure to periodically delete or move the file elsewhere.




In addition to the Common Log format, there are other logging options you can turn on and off in the Control Panel, as shown in figure 1, above.

Log NNTP/HTTP requests that a log file called nntp.log be created in the WebX directory. The contents are a log of news message activity. This includes all NNTP transfers made between Web Crossing and a news server, and also between Web Crossing and user newsreaders.

Note: There is still some repositioning of some log file settings taking place. For example, you can currently specify the NNTP log file name in the NNTP Control Panel. And the"Other Common Log Settings" shown in Figure 1 above are currently found in the General Settings Control Panel. Both of these scheduled to be moved to the top-level Control Panel along with the other log settings.


The next checkbox, located next to Web Crossing Log File, is the master switch for all the logging features that follow in the settings box. These features are mainly used for debugging purposes:

  • Log Requests - logs all incoming client requests and provides much the same information as the common.log file described above, but in a different, nonstandard format.
  • Log Post Data - logs all the data resulting from posts made via Web Crossing forms.
  • Log User Authentication - logs user login activity.

Security Caution! If you log User Authentication the log file generated will contain the users' passwords in unencrypted format. These will be the actual passwords - not the "pretty encoded" format used by SGML export of user data elsewhere. Anybody who has access to the log files generated with this feature on will be able to read all the passwords of anybody who logged in while the log file was being generated. Obviously this feature only be used for testing purposes and the sysop should immediately remove the log file after it is no longer needed. (This applies to the TCP/IP data logging below as well).


  • Log Per-request timestamps - logs detailed date and time information for each request, also similar to the information provided by the common.log file.
  • Log TCP/IP sessions, Log TCP/IP data and Log Master/Slave synchronization process - these settings generate an enormous amount of data which track server network activity in excruciating detail. Do not turn these on unless you need to do some debugging for a short period of time. Web Crossing support might ask you to generate a log file containing these data if you have an issue that requires a detailed analysis of your network activity. If you need to log TCP/IP data you can also specify a TCP/IP Service Port to limit the data to a specific service, such as SMTP or NNTP. This can be very useful in isolating problems.

To generate a debugging log, select the log options you need, check the master switch and click the Install New Log Settings button to begin logging. When you are finished generating your log, uncheck the master switch and click the Install New Log Settings button to stop logging and flush the data to the log file. (You can leave the options selected; when logging is off the option settings are ignored.)

If you look in your WebX directory you will find a new log file has been created. The name of the file is log1, log2, log3, etc. Web Crossing keeps track of the last log file created and creates the next log file by appending a new number at the end of the filename.


Other Log Files

The other log files you will find in your WebX directory are:

  • webx.log - This file is always generated by Web Crossing and contains a record of server starts and stops, server errors and also, very usefully, WCTL compilation errors. It is worthwhile checking this file regularly to see if a server error has occurred.
  • webxroll.1, webxroll.2, etc. - These are roll-forward logs and contain a list of all webx.db database changes since the last backup took place.
  • logRoll - This file contains a record of how the roll-forward logs have been used.
  • logUsage - This file contains a daily record of overall Web Crossing activity. The fields in the file are more or less self-explanatory, but just for the sake of completeness they are:

    (sample data from a typical day at WebX Harbor)

    DAY year=2000 month=4 day=10 Date of the log entry
    StatTotalPageViews=394 Number of total page views
    StatHttpOut=1501 Number of static pages served
    StatHttpOutEnc=0 Number of attachments served via HTTP
    StatHttpOutEncKB=0 Total size (in bytes) of attachments served via HTTP
    StatWebxOut=393 Number of dynamic (WebX) pages served
    StatWebxOutEnc=0 Number of total attachments served
    StatWebxOutEncKB=0 Total size of all attachments served
    Number of all attachments received
    StatWebxInEncKB=0 Total size of all attachments received
    Number of NNTP messages sent
    StatNntpOutEnc=0 Number of attachments served via NNTP
    StatNntpOutEncKB=0 Total size of all attachments served via NNTP
    StatNntpIn=8 Number of NNTP messages received
    StatNntpInEnc=0 Number of NNTP attachments received
    StatNntpInEncKB=0 Total size of all attachments received via NNTP
    StatEmailOut=17 Number of mail messages sent out
    StatEmailOutEnc=0 Number of attachments sent out via email
    StatEmailOutEncKB=0 Total size of attachments sent out via email
    StatEmailIn=0 Number of mail messages received
    StatEmailInEnc=0 Number of attachments received via email
    StatEmailInEncKB=0 Total size of attachments received via email
    StatChatMessage=6 Number of chat message sent
    StatChatEcho=4 Number of chat messages echoes back after being sent

  • logEmail - This very important file contains a record of all email coming in and out of Web Crossing, including failed attempts to check POP3 accounts. You should definitely check this file from time to time so see if your system is experiencing any mail routing difficulties.
  • chat logs - You can log chat activity. These settings are explained in the chat section.



  • It's all well and good that Web Crossing generates mountains of common.log data but... it's not very readable is it?

    • That is an understatement. The log files can be scanned from time to time to look for trouble, but you should use a common log analyzing tool, such as Analog, in order to generate nice HTML reports from your common.log data.


Control Panel

Recommended Websites

A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

© 2000 Web Crossing, Inc.