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Archiving and Automatic Expiration

Archiving Discussions
Setting up Automatic Archiving and Expiration

Archiving Discussions

There are three approaches to dealing with old or outdated material:

  1. Simply set the access list for the discussion so that no new posts are possible.
  2. Export the discussion and save the exported file. Then delete the discussion from the database but save the export file for possible reimport.
  3. Set up automatic archiving and/or expiration of discussions. With this, you can determined what action will take place and specify when it will occur - after a chosen number of days with no posts.

Setting up Automatic Archiving and Expiration

Overview: Web Crossing can automatically move or delete discussions which have become stale because they've had no new posts for a while. You can choose from several options:

  • have Web Crossing move discussions to an archive area
  • have Web Crossing delete them in the usual manner (with a backup, meaning the material is still available in the deleted file in your webx directory)
  • have Web Crossing delete them without saving (this latter option is equivalent to "Purge" under the Export button)

In the Edit area for each discussion within that folder, you can designate whether that discussion is subject to the automated archiving and expiration rules or not. This is handy if you have an important permanent discussion or two that you don't want archived no matter how long has passed since the last post.

You can't set Web Crossing to move individual posts within a discussion, just a whole discussion at once.

If you want to prevent new posts at the same time as the discussion is moved, you'll have to set the access rights for your Archive folder when you create it, so the discussions which are moved there become read-only for all users. [Note: this will work not work if the discussion itself has an access list which is not read-only, as that will take precedence over the inherited access list from the parent folder.] See Access Lists for more information.

These functions are set up at the folder level. Edit Folder > Expired discussions (automatic archiving).

To set up automatic archiving and expiration for a given folder, log in as sysop or a host and click Edit Folder in the folder whose contents you want to affect. Then click the link to Expired Discussions at the top of the list.

Figure 1 - Screenshot from Expired Discussions section of the Edit Folder pages.

Expired Discussions section of Edit Folder page

The first field is a choice about how long to let your discussions lie dormant before they're moved or exported. Leaving it blank turns off automated expiration for that folder. Putting a number in that field turns on automatic expiration for all discussions within that folder, unless you specifically mark a discussion as permanent.

Archive settings are not specifically inherited by folders within folders. You have to set the archive settings for the subfolder separately.

The radio buttons let you choose what happens to a discussion when the dormancy period has expired. If you want it moved to an archive folder somewhere, fill in the Unique ID number of the archive area. Be sure to include the leading period and all seven digits. (Note that the example given on the Web Crossing page has only six digits - this is incorrect and won't work.)

The other options are to delete it in the standard manner (saved in the deleted file in your webx directory on the server), or to delete without saving a copy.

When you've made your choice, click OK.

Then, go to any discussions which you want to mark as permanent and click Edit Discussion. Be sure the Permanent Discussion checkbox is checked, and click OK at the bottom of the page to record your changes.

Figure 2 - Screenshot of Permanent Discussion checkbox on Edit Discussion page.

Permanent Discussion checkbox on Edit Discussion page

Web Crossing actually does the moving and deleting of these discussions in the background at 3:00 a.m. server time.


My discussions aren't being archived as planned.

  • Check the settings under Edit Folder in the containing folder. If you've designated an archive folder, make sure the Unique ID number is correct and that you've included the leading period and all 7 digits.
  • Check the time period you have set and compare it with the last post in any questionable discussion.
  • Check to see that the discussion hasn't been marked as permanent.
  • Wait until the next morning and check again. Archiving is actually done by Web Crossing at 3:00 a.m. server time.



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A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

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