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Deleting Links, Chat Rooms, Folders or Discussions, Messages, and Users

Deleting Links or Chat Rooms
Deleting Folders or Discussions
Deleting Messages
Deleting Users

Deleting Links or Chat Rooms

To delete a link or a chat room, click Edit next to the title in the containing folder, and you'll find a Delete button at the bottom of the page.

Deleting Folders or Discussions

To delete a discussion or folder, click the Delete button, which may be in the toolbar or near the Mark button, depending on your configuration.

Hosts and sysop can always delete discussions or folders. Users can delete a discussion they start as long as nobody else has posted a message.

Whether guests and registered users can delete discussions, folders, or links depends on the privileges you have set for them in the Control Panel > User Management > Guest users and Registered users.

Deleted messages are moved to the deleted file in the webx directory on your server. You can recover deleted folders or discussions from the deleted file by reimporting them.

You can delete several folders or discussions at once by using the Export button inside the containing folder. Export > Export, move, delete or purge selected items.

Folders or discussions which are Purged via the Export command are not recoverable except from a backup database.

Deleting Messages

To delete a message, click the Delete button next to it.

Users can always delete their own messages. Hosts and sysop can delete anyone's messages.

When you delete a message, it isn't moved to the deleted file, but stays in the discussion, marked with a "deleted" tag. It's possible to recover these deleted items by simply exporting the file, editing out the deleted tags and reimporting. See Recovering Deleted Messages for details.

You can choose whether you want Web Crossing to display a note stating that a message has been deleted. You can turn this off in the Control Panel > Customizing > Discussions section. A trick to rememver: If, for some reason, you want to retain these notes, but want to delete a message without having it flagged, first move it to a hidden discussion and delete it there.

Note: If you don't update your search index after you or a user makes deletions, the first couple of lines of the post will still show up when a user does a search. If they click on the post to try to view the whole message, they are sent to the place in the discussion where it was deleted from. Rebuilding the search index will update the search index so deleted messages don't appear in search results either.

Deleting Users

You can delete one user at a time by going to the Control Panel > User management > Remove a user. There, you have the option to remove the user's picture as well. If you are serving pictures and the picture is objectionable, the simplest thing is to delete it at the same time.

Deleted users' posts are not removed. Thus if the picture is objectionable it will continue to be shown next to the deleted user's posts unless you remove the picture when you remove the user. You can remove the picture later (Control Panel > User management > Clear a user's picture) if you wish.

You can delete a large number of users at once by using the delusers.tpl template file (found on the Web Crossing FTP server in the /pub/WebCrossing/Extras/Templates folder) into your webx.tpl file.

  1. Install delusers.tpl into your webx.tpl file and reset your file cache.
  2. Export an ASCII file of your user list by choosing "User full name (last, first)" from the list of options.
  3. Call the macro directly by using http://yoursite.com/webx?deleteUsers@@
  4. Paste in the user list (or do it in chunks if it's long) into the text box there and submit the form.
  5. Note that the macro only deletes the users and not the users' pictures.

For more information on how to install and use macros, see the Macros section.

Note: You must be using cookies on your site in order for this macro to work.


Sysop Documentation

A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

© 2000 Web Crossing, Inc.