Web Crossing


Installation & Upgrade

Web Crossing Features

Customizing & Scripting

UniqueIDs, Full Paths & URL Codes

Basic Customization

Server-Side Scripting

Web Crossing Template Language (WCTL)

WCTL Code Examples

Server-Side Scripting: Web Crossing JavaScript (WCJS)

User & Access Issues

Data Organization & Management

Performance Issues


Site Map

Command Codes

Common Command Codes
Calling Your Own Macros

Common Command Codes

The chart in the sysop documentation provides a list of all the command codes used within Web Crossing URLs.

Some of the more commonly-used command codes are below, with practical applications. Note that some use Full Paths as examples and some use Unique IDs. Either will work. If you haven't read the Anatomy of a Web Crossing URL page or the Unique IDs and Full Paths page yet, you should do so before tackling this.

Display a Location
13 Show a location (if it's an individual message, it's shown in context).

Command Code 13 does essentially the same thing code 14 does - displays a location - but if it's a link to a specific message in a discussion, the message is shown in context. That is, the message immediately preceding the linked-to message will be the top one on the page.

Example: http://your.domain.com/webx?13@@.ee6b9d8/34.

14 Show a location.

Use this code to link to a folder or discussion within Web Crossing from another web page.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?14@@/Books or http://your.domain.com/webx?14@@.ee6b9d8.

Add a slash and a number to display a specific message number in a discussion.

Example: http://your.domain.com/webx?14@@.ee6b9d8/34.

Show Login Form
15 Show a login form, then use the actionPath to perform the original command.

This code shows a login form, and when the user submits the form, it takes them to the location specified in the actionPath. This might be useful to put on the front page of your site to link to the content within in a situation where you want users to log in before entering.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?15@@14@/Books to login, then go to the /Books folder.

Or http://your.domain.com/webx?15@@14@.ee6b9d8.

Process Your Login Form
23 Process a login form, then use the actionPath to perform the original command.

If you build your own login form, use this as the form action. It will log the user in and take them directly to the location you specified in the actionPath.

For example, use http://your.domain.com/webx?23@@14@/Books to login, then go to the /Books folder.

Or http://your.domain.com/webx?23@@14@.ee6b9d8.

Show Registration Form
18 Show registration form, then use the actionPath to perform the original command.

This code is useful for a sub-area of your site, where you want users to register and go directly to the sub-area without getting "lost" in your other content. It's similar to code 15, but shows a registration form instead of login.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?18@@14@/Books to register, then go to the /Books folder.

Or http://your.domain.com/webx?18@@14@.ee6b9d8.

Process Your Registration Form
20 Process registration, then use the actionPath to perform the original command. For example, webx?20@@14@/Books to register, then show the /Books folder.

If you build your own registration form (using the variables Web Crossing is expecting to see, plus any of your own custom user variables you want - see the section on creating custom user variables for more information), you'll need to use this for your form action.

For example: http://your.domain.com/webx?20@@14@.ee6b9d8.

Check Subscriptions
38 Check subscription list -- check for new messages.

This checks the subscription list and functions as the Check Subscriptions button does.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?38@@.

Show Sysop Control Panel
59 Show Sysop Control Panel [sysop only]. The optional parameter is the location to return to when the sysop goes back into the conference by clicking the Conference button at the bottom of the Control Panel.

This code gets the sysop into the Sysop Control Panel, assuming the user is logged in as sysop.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?59@@/Books.

Or http://your.domain.com/webx?59@@.ee6b9d8.

Show Login Form for Sysop - (use if buttons are missing)
94 Show login form for sysop [sysop only, internal use]. The optional parameter is the action path to perform after the login.

This login form has a login HTML form button as opposed to the Login graphic button. Thus it's useful for logging in if your images pathway is set incorrectly and you don't get a graphic to click on, and thus can't log in otherwise.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?94@@90@1. (This example has an optional action path that turns on Web Crossing logging - see sysop docs for more information).

Serve Files from Web Crossing HTML Directory
98 Serve files from Web Crossing HTML directory. Following the second @ sign, show the file path to the individual .html or image file.

Serves HTML or image files from the Web Crossing HTML directory. You can use WCTL or WCJS in your HTML files. See the Appendix for more information.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?98@@myfiles/subdirectory/thispage.html

This would serve the page thispage.html, located in the folder sub-directory, which in turn was located in the folder myfiles, which was inside the Web Crossing HTML directory on your web server.

Reset the File Cache
99 Reset the html file cache, and reload webx.tpl [sysop only]. The optional parameter is the location of where to return the sysop to the conference.

Use this to create a link for the sysop to reset the file cache without having to go to the Sysop Control Panel to get there. This link won't function unless the user is logged in as sysop, so hide it somewhere where only sysop will see it.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?99@@/Books.

Or http://your.domain.com/webx?99@@.ee6b9d8.

Process Entry into Chat Room
196 Process entry into a chat room.

Use this to create a manual "door" to a chat room. A user who clicks on this link will be taken to the chat room screen and the applet will load, assuming he or she has access to the room.

For example, http://your.domain.com/webx?196@@/Chat%20Central.

Or http://your.domain.com/webx?196@@.ee6b9d8.

Calling Your Own Macros

If you want Web Crossing to run a macro script you've written and included in your webx.tpl file, just put its name in place of the command code. For example, if you wrote a macro called "my_Macro" this is how you would call it from an URL:


Find more information in the Macros section.


My link doesn't work right!

  • Double-check the command code
  • Double-check the location's unique ID
  • Double-check the syntax of your URL
  • Double-check that you haven't included a certificate where you shouldn't have.
  • If you get a "path not found" error, double-check the unique ID.


Sysop Documentation


A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

© 2000 Web Crossing, Inc.