Members to a Mailing List
If you
place the following WCTL in the header of a folder, registered
members will be able to subscribe to the folder's mirrored mailing
list, as described in Two-way Mailing List
Welcome to our forum!
%% if userName %%
Use the form below to subscribe to this folder's
mailing list.<BR>
%% use listServerForm_ %%
%% else %%
I see you have not yet logged in yet. If you login,
then you will see a form here allowing you to subscribe
to this folder's mailing list!
%% endif %%
is macro listServerForm_ with explanations shown in the comment
%% macro listServerForm_ %%
<form method="POST" action="%% urlBase %%listServerProcess_@%%
certificate %%@%%location%%">
<input type=hidden name=listName1 value="webxharbor-talk">
<input type=hidden name=listName2 value="webxharbortalk-mirror-mirror">
<input type=radio name=action value="subscribe" checked>Subscribe<BR>
<input type=radio name=action value="unsubscribe">Unsubscribe<BR>
<input type=submit value=" OK ">
%% endmacro %%
- This
macro displays the form used by members to subscribe
or unsubscribe to the mailing list.
- The
form is processed by a separate macro: listServerProcess_
- There
are two hidden fields: listName1 and listName2. listName1
contains the name of the mailing list to which subscribers
send email. listName2 contains the name of the mailing
list to which Web Crossing sends posted messages.
The mailing lists have the same subscribers except
Web Crossing's POP3 mailbox is not a member of listName2,
in order to prevent duplicate messages from being
sent back to Web Crossing, as described in the section
on two-way mailing list mirroring
%% macro listServerProcess_ %%
<HEAD><title> Mailing List Service Center
<BODY %% background %%>
%% set _message
"<requests@lists.webxharbor.com>" & crlf &
"To: requests@lists.webxharbor.com" & crlf &
"From: " & user.userEmail & crlf &
"Subject: " & form.action & " " & form.listName1
& crlf & crlf &
" " & crlf %%
%% email( _message ) %%
%% set _message
"<requests@lists.webxharbor.com>" & crlf &
"To: requests@lists.webxharbor.com" & crlf &
"From: " & user.userEmail & crlf &
"Subject: " & form.action & " " & form.listName2
& crlf & crlf &
" " & crlf %%
%% email( _message ) %%
- This
macro processes the form. You will need to replace the
email address "requests@lists.webxharbor.com" with the
requests address of your mailing list server.
- Note
that the macro uses form.action (which was either "subscribe"
or "unsubscribe") and sends the correct command to the
mailing list server. The ability of Web Crossing to
process forms is extremely strong and flexible. Any
field in the form is received by the processing macro
and can be accessed by just specifying form.fieldname.
- Similarly,
form.listName1 and form.listName2 contain the values
of the listName1 and listName2 text fields in the form.
- _message
is just a variable (you can name it anything you like)
that contains an email message in standard Internet
- When
_message is all set the email command is used to mail
the message. Web Crossing does this automatically using
its own built in SMTP server. You can generalize this
example to do any kind of form to email processing you
%% if form.action == "subscribe" %%
%% set action "request to subscribe" %%
%% else %%
%% set action "request to unsubscribe" %%
%% endif %%
%% form.listName1 %% - Your %% action %% has been processed.
To return, click on the OK button below.
<a href="%% urlBase %%14@%% certificate %%@%% location
%%"><img alt=" OK " border=0 src="%% siteImages %%/ok.gif"
%% pictSizeButton %%></a>
%% endmacro %%
- After
processing the form you need to present a result page
to the user. The rest of the form processing macro just
sends text, HTML tags and the contents of WCTL variable
to a web page.
- action
is a variable created to contain some appropriate text
depending on the action taken by the form. It is used
by entering
%% action %% in the macro.
- The
<a href> tag at the end of the macro is a standard
way of showing an OK button and letting the user return
to the previous location.
Concept Reference Page