Web Crossing


Installation & Upgrade

Web Crossing Features

Customizing & Scripting

UniqueIDs, Full Paths & URL Codes

Basic Customization

Server-Side Scripting

Web Crossing Template Language (WCTL)

WCTL Code Examples

Server-Side Scripting: Web Crossing JavaScript (WCJS)

User & Access Issues

Data Organization & Management

Performance Issues


Site Map

Anatomy of a Web Crossing URL

Default Action
Command Codes
Replacing These Elements with WCTL
Passing Variables in URLs
Static-syntax URLs

A full Web Crossing URL has the following parts, which are explained in more detail below:


Portions of the URL in brackets [ ] are optional.

As an example, a typical Web Crossing URL might look like:


This URL would display the discussion or folder on the WebX Harbor site which has the unique ID number ".ee6cd0c".


The scriptname is everything after the domain name, and before the question mark. The scriptname might or might not include a cgi-bin directory. Common scriptnames are webx.cgi, WebX, webx or webx.dll. It might be something else entirely. Depending on your server, the scriptname might be case-sensitive. The appearance of the scriptname in a URL means that the page being served is:

  1. authenticated (can make use of authenticateFilter, if present) and
  2. the page runs through the WebX parsing engine, so you can make use of WCTL commands in those pages, even "static" pages which reside in your html directory.

Default Action

If Web Crossing is accessed by domain only (e.g. http://webx.webxharbor.com) or with a URL containing just the scriptname (e.g. http://webx.webxharbor.com/cgi-bin/webx) there is a default action to tell the server what to display. You can find this setting in Control Panel > Customizing > Banner, Footer, Background and Top-Level Page Appearance in the section "Default Command". Unless you want to change the built-in default there is no need modify this field.

Command Codes

The command code is either a number which tells Web Crossing what to do, (See Command Codes) or the name of a macro you have created which you want Web Crossing to run.

If the command code is followed by an L, it directs Web Crossing to ask the user to log in before performing the command specified.

Some login and registration command codes will automatically login or register the user and then perform the command. Thus they take an actionPath as a parameter. The actionPath is a second command code, another at (@) sign, and the parameters for that command. For example, the action path to display a particular folder might be 14@/Books, or 14@.ee6b9d8.

A full URL with command code and action path, but no certificate, might look like:


(If you're curious, the command code 15 shows a login form, and when the user clicks the login button, they're logged in and served [command code 14] the folder or discussion with the uniqueID of .ee6b9d8. )

Certificates (optional)

Certificates are used to

  • identify the current user
  • provide an optional tag you can use to configure the user interface (for example, showing or hiding certain folders or discussions, providing a different language, etc.)
  • force a user's browser to fetch fresh information instead of using old cached material by including a unique sequence number

When you see URLs in your browser location bars, view the Web Crossing-generated page source, or when you copy a URL from somewhere within Web Crossing, your current certificate will be filled in between the two @ signs. It's a randomish-looking string of alphanumeric characters. (See the sysop documentation for a further explanation of what the different parts of the certificate are.)

However, when you construct URLs of your own, or make links within Web Crossing, you need to remove your current certificate information from the URL you copied, and either leave it blank or replace it with the WCTL code %% certificate %%, which tells Web Crossing to insert the user's current certificate value into the URL. Certificate values expire after 30 minutes, but if you leave the old certificate information in the URL, there is some danger that someone will access the link containing the old certificate information, and be identified by Web Crossing as the other user for whom the certificate information was valid. (See Replacing These Elements with WCTL, below, and the WCTL section.)

When you're constructing your own Web Crossing URLs to create crosslinks within your conference or navigation areas, it's sometimes hard to know when to include the %% certificate %% code and when to leave it out. It's a good idea to include it when you can, because it helps Web Crossing track which user is which, and helps prevent users with rotating proxy servers from being asked to log in again. It's especially important if you're not using cookies for user authentication, because Web Crossing's primary method for authentication then becomes the user certificate. (See Authentication.)

Generally speaking you should include the %% certificate %% code if your link satisfies one or both of these qualifications:

  • your link is served by Web Crossing from a Web Crossing template, an html page, or control panel entry
  • your link is included in a discussion or folder header, assuming you are posting as a host or as a sysop, and you have the WCTL interpretation checkbox turned on in the Control Panel > General Settings > Treat all sysop and host headings as WCTL templates

If it's in a page served by the regular web server or in a plain message, don't include the %% certificate %% code when you construct the URL or you'll get an error message when you click on the link.

A typical link with the WCTL code in place might look like:

http://www.webxharbor.com/cgi-bin/webx.cgi?13@%% certificate %%@.ee6cd0c

Note that you can put spaces within the %% WCTL tags, but not between the @ sign and the first % sign.

With the certificate information removed entirely, this same URL would look like:


More information about the optional tag usage can be found in the sysop documentation.

Parameters (optional)

The parameter is usually a location, either a hexadecimal unique ID number or a full path, but may also be an actionPath (see Command Codes, just above).

An example of a uniqueID would look something like: .ee6b9d8. A full path is simply the path to a folder (not a discussion or a message) from the root of the forum, in URL-coded format. In other words, spaces and other browser-unfriendly characters are replaced by escape codes. The escape code for a space is "%20" so an URL containing the word San Francisco would actually need to be written San%20Francisco.

Following a uniqueID number, you can use a slash to indicate a message number in a specific discussion. (Just to confuse the issue, computers start counting with 0, so message #1 is actually displayed using /0, message #2 is displayed using /1, and so on.)

Example: .ee6b9d8/346 would display message #347 of that discussion.

Replacing These Elements with WCTL

When writing a WCTL template within a macro, a control panel entry, or a discussion or folder heading set to be interpreted as WCTL, it's possible to replace nearly the entire URL with WCTL variables:

a href= "%% urlBase %%myFormProcess@%% certificate %%@%%location%%"

UrlBase corresponds to the domain and the scriptname - everything up to and including the ?

MyFormProcess in this case refers to a custom macro. This could be replaced with a Command Code number.

Certificates are discussed above.

Location corresponds to the unique ID of the folder or discussion.

For more information on WCTL and WCJS, see the Server-side Scripting section.

Passing Variables in URLs

It's possible to pass form variables in a Web Crossing URL.

The syntax is to add an exclamation point followed by the name=value pairs:

.... ?<COMMAND>@<CERTIFICATE>@<LOCATION>!name=value&name=value

For example:


These extra parameters must be in a URL-encoded format. For example, San Francisco would have to be URL-encoded to San%20Francisco.

These variables are accessed by the receiving page by the formula "form.name" - so in our example you could retrieve form.color or form.language in WCTL on the next page and they would have the values sent via the URL.

See the sysop docs and the section on forms and WCTL for more detail.

Static-syntax URLs

If your Web Crossing server is running in Direct Web Service mode, there are some shortcuts you can take when you create links to Web Crossing material.




Location can be either a unique ID number (i.e. .ee6b280) or a full path. You can also substitute a ? (question mark) for the / (forward slash) and it will all work the same.

So, for example, this URL would get you to "Resources You Need" folder inside the "Web Crossing Developer Center" folder at the dev.webxharbor.com site:


This same strategy can be used to call custom macros:





If your link doesn't work:

  • Double-check the construction. Is the path to Web Crossing correct? Have you included (or not included) the %% certificate %% tag as appropriate? Is the location correct?


Web Crossing FAQ:

Sysop Documentation

Sysop Control Panel

  • Site management
    • Export site information

  • Customizing
    • Banner, Footer, Background and Top-Level Page Appearance
      • Default Command

A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

© 2000 Web Crossing, Inc.