Web Crossing


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Web Crossing Features

Customizing & Scripting

UniqueIDs, Full Paths & URL Codes

Basic Customization

Server-Side Scripting

Web Crossing Template Language (WCTL)

WCTL Code Examples

Server-Side Scripting: Web Crossing JavaScript (WCJS)

User & Access Issues

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Site Map

Basic Customization: Using Tables for Formatting

A Warning!

Many websites use a two-column layout, with the left column for navigational links, and the right column for content - like we've done here.

You can use tables for formatting with Web Crossing, too. The code illustrated here will produce a layout approximately like this:Table-generated


Put the opening table code in the Banner section of the Control Panel >Customizing > Banner, footer, background, and top-level page appearance. In that box, type the following tags to create the navigation cell and open the content cell:

      <td valign="top">
      (Links Go Here)
      <td valign="top">

Put this table opening before or after the existing default code already there, depending if you want the title to appear at the top center of the page or at the top center of the right content table cell. The valign="top" forces the nav bar to the top of the column no matter how large the content cell is.


Into the footer, type the following additional code before any generic footer code you might have, to close the content cell and close the table:


Click Update Top-Level Settings, and the page will reload and display a sample page with your new Banner and Footer settings, including your new font tags. If you like what you see, click OK at the bottom of that page. If you want to make further changes, use the Back button in your browser to go back to the Edit page.

WARNING! If your code is incorrect, your pages may not display correctly and you may not be able to return to the Control Panel to make edits. To provide yourself with a safeguard, open two browser windows, both to this same page in the Sysop Control Panel. This allows you to experiment in one, knowing that your old layout is "safe" within your second browser window and you can always return to edit the fields and remove the table tags if necessary. In addition, the Web Crossing FAQ describes a fix.

Figure 2 - Screenshot of Sysop Control Panel with table-generating code in place.

  Screenshot of table code in place

If your right-hand table cell becomes narrower than the width of the default textarea box for posts, editing, etc. (70 characters) you can change the width of the box in the Control Panel > Customizing > General > Presentation.

However, you will have to manually change any textarea width code in your webx.tpl file.

Note: The Web Crossing image and logo appears below the footer on unlicensed servers. To remove this, you'll need to paste in a license certificate.


My page doesn't look right!

  • If your page displays incorrectly, click the BACK button in your browser to get back to the edit form and try again. Here are some things to check:
    • Do you have the tags in the proper places? Are there typos?
    • Did you include the closing tags in the footer?
    • Did you put the tags in the proper blanks in the Sysop Control Panel?
    • Does your code appear correctly in the page source?
    • If you get a totally blank page, you're probably missing a closing /table tag somewhere.

I have two copies of the Web Crossing logo in the footer.

  • Delete the Web Crossing link and logo in the footer so you don't have two. The lower one is actually hard-coded into the free 1T server until it's licensed.


See Folder Customization Chart.

Web Crossing FAQ:

Sysop Control Panel

  • Customizing
    • Banner, footer, background, and top-level page appearance
    • General > Presentation (width of post box)

A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

© 2000 Web Crossing, Inc.