Delete, and Purge
Sysop Settings
Exporting User Information
Exporting Unique IDs and Paths for All Folders
and Discussions
Exporting Command Codes
Exporting, Moving, or Deleting Items
Moving by Exporting and then Importing
Exporting the Entire Site
Crossing has a variety of export, delete, purge, and move functions,
which can be reached from several locations within Web Crossing.
Sysop Settings
setting can be found under the Export button on the top level
of the site, and in the Sysop Control Panel
under Site Management.
sysop settings exports all the information in the Control Panel.
This can then be Imported into another
function creates a text file you can look at (and edit, if desired),
in a text editor. The file will appear in your webx directory
on the server with a file name Web Crossing will specify. It's usually
expNN, where NN is a number.
beginning of the file looks something like this (but is much longer
than this):
User Information
information can be exported in several forms, and the function
is found in several places. These
settings can be found under the Export button on the top
level of the site, and in the Sysop Control Panel
under Site Management. Exporting user information into an ASCII
text file is also available from the Sysop Control
Panel under User Management.
If the
user information is to be used to import
to another Web Crossing site, choose SGML
export. As an example, here's what the sysop's information
looks like. Note that the password is encrypted (in blue) and
preference and message center information included, as well as
the user's unique ID number.
<user ID=00010201 unique=00000007 name="sysop" apop=""
isSysop=1 emailStorage=0 emailMessages=0 email="sysop@webxharbor.com"
showPictures=1 showPictBorders=1 logoutTime=3600 maxData=15000
homePage="" chatPreferences="" password="3Ⱥ`h
picture="" respHeadingSize=0 respInfoSize=0 respBodySize=0 maxMessages=0
catForumSeq=2 secondLine="" bio="" urls="" showPrepared=0 useCookies=old
isProvisional=0 checkRemoteAddr=1 threadingBySite=1 threading=0
replyTo=0 summaryButton=0 emailCode="" lastExport="exp6" requireApop=0
mailboxCreate=0 mailboxDestroy=0 mailboxRename=0 forwardTo=""
imapSubscriptions="" user_bookmarksNewMessages="1" user_bookmarksShow="true"
user_bookmarksRefresh="10" user_bookmarkBeep="true" user_bookmarks="1"
user_bookmark1=".ee6b2ac This is my comment.">
can also export user information into a comma or tab-delimited
ASCII file suitable for import into a spreadsheet application.
In this area, you can choose from a variety of user information
fields, including any custom fields you've created. This way,
you can export just the information you want without extraneous
fields in your file.
can also export user group information. You'll get the
unique ID for the group as well as a listing of its members:
<group name="hosts" ID=0004827F>
Unique IDs and Paths for All Folders and Discussions
setting can be found both under the Export button on the
top level of the site, and in the Sysop Control
Panel under Site Management.
discussion, folder, or chat object in Web Crossing has a unique
ID number. To have Web Crossing list the unique IDs and full
paths for all Web Crossing objects, choose this option.
file looks something like this (but is much longer than this):
.ee6b2b0 /Test%20Folder
.ee6b289 /Test%20Folder/A%20Guided%20Tour%20of%20Web%20Crossing
.ee6b28b /Test%20Folder/A%20Guided%20Tour%20of%20Web%20Crossing/
.ee6b28d /Test%20Folder/A%20Guided%20Tour%20of%20Web%20Crossing/
Command Codes
setting can be found both under the Export button on the
top level of the site, and in the Sysop Control
Panel under Site Management.
option creates a handy list of Web Crossing command codes. This
information is also available in the Sysop Documentation.
a sample from the middle of the list:
14 Show
15 ShowLogin
17 LoginFailure
18 ShowRegistration
20 ProcessRegistration
23 ProcessLogin
25 ShowUserPreferences
26 ProcessUserPreferences
Moving, or Deleting Items
Export button does different things depending on where
you click it and which sub-menus you choose.
If you
click Export within a discussion, Web Crossing will create
an SGML file of the discussion and export
it to a file name it will specify. You can find that file in your
webx directory. You can save it for possible import later or import
it immediately into another Web Crossing site.
If you
click Export in a folder, you get a choice to Export everything
in the folder to an SGML file, (This works
just as described for a discussion, just above) or to export,
move, or delete selected items within the folder.
allows you to export selected items to an SGML
AND DELETE creates an export file containing the selected
items, which will then be deleted from the conference. However,
they are still in the deleted file on the server in the
webx directory, if you change your mind and want them back. To
retrieve deleted items, download the deleted file, find
the relevant SGML marked-up section, save it to a text file, and
reimport it.
moves items to the deleted file without first exporting
allows you to directly move discussions, folders, and chat areas
from one folder to another. With the checkboxes, select the items
you want to move, choose the destination folder from the popup
menu, and click Move. The unique IDs will remain the same so your
internal links should still work.
deletes items without exporting them and without saving them to
the deleted file. There is no file from which you can recover
them, unless you have a backup database.
by Exporting, then Importing
can also move items by exporting them and then importing
them immediately. As long as you do so before any new Web Crossing objects
are created, your uniqueIDs
will remain the same and internal links will continue to work.
the Entire Site
setting can be found both under the Export button on the
top level of the site, and in Control Panel
> Site Management.
can export the entire site, including sysop settings, all discussions,
chat areas and folders, user information and "highwater"
marks (records of what's new and what's not for a given user),
and everything else in your site, by choosing Export Entire
Site. This SGML file can then be imported
into another Web Crossing site.
1 - Screenshot from Export pane showing Export options
Control Panel
Control Panel