Web Crossing


Installation & Upgrade

Installing Web Crossing

Upgrading to Newer Web Crossing Versions

Basic Tour

Licensing Issues

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Connecting for the First Time

Connecting for the First Time

When you connect to your Web Crossing server for the first time (after installation), you will have to go through a one-time-only process of setting up a minimum amount of needed information to run Web Crossing. You can follow along with this section while going through this setup procedure.

In this example, the Server and Client used were both Windows, however the setup is exactly the same for all three platforms (Unix, Windows and Mac OS).

After you finish the installation process, you will need to connect to your Web Crossing server using your favorite browser. The URL for your Web Crossing server depends on your domain name, script name, platform and whether you are running in direct web service mode or cgi mode. Also, if you are running in cgi mode, the URL depends on which external web server you are using.

Here are some examples of the URL you should use for accessing your Web Crossing server. In place of yourdomain.com you would enter your fully-qualified server machine's domain name (example: www.bigcollege.edu, webx.webxharbor.com, etc.) and the script name you chose when you installed Web Crossing (typically Web Crossing or Web Crossing).


Direct Service Mode

Platform URL
Unix (Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X Server, FreeBSD, Esc) http://yourdomain.com/webx
Mac OS PPC http://yourdomain.com/webx
Windows (NT/98/95) http://yourdomain.com/webx


Note: Very often, depending on your platform, you can access right away by just entering the domain name in your browser (without the script name) - for example, just www.bigcollege.edu.


CGI Mode

Platform URL
Unix (Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X Server, FreeBSD, Esc) http://yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/webx
Mac OS PPC http://yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/webx
Windows (NT/98/95) http://yourdomain.com/scripts/webx.dll?


When you successfully connect to your Web Crossing server for the first time, you will be greeted with the welcome page shown in figure 1.


Figure 1 - the first page you see when connecting to a new Web Crossing server for the first time


Go on the next page, which is the license agreement, shown in figure 2.


Figure 2 - the Web Crossing license agreement page is shown to you during setup


For details about the different licenses available, and a full description about how page views are counted, see the Licensing Section. After agreeing to the licensing terms, you will proceed to the setup of your Images directory, as shown in figure 3.


Figure 3 - setting up the Image directory


If you used the installer program for your server, the Images directory should be in the proper place and you should see the Login button. See the Troubleshooting section below if you are having problems with this. Otherwise, click OK to proceed with the setup.

Next, you'll set some colors for your page background, text and link colors, and choose the button and icon sets you want to use.

A frameset will load with a color picker in the bottom frame (See figure 5) and a number of options in the top frame, including buttons, icons, and text samples.

Figure 5 - color picker

To choose a background color, click the color of your choice in the color picker, and the top frame will reload, allowing you to preview your chosen background color. To choose a text color, use the Text radio button in the color picker, and then click the text color of your choice. Again, the top of the page will reload, allowing you a preview. See figure 6.

Figure 6 - text preview

You can select buttons and icons and preview them against the background color of your choice. Note that some sets are designed to be used against dark backgrounds and others against medium or light background. You may need to do some experimentation to find just the right combination.

Figure 7 - button sets

Figure 8 - Icon sets

When you're happy with how things look, click OK at the bottom of the page. You can always come back to this page later through the Control Panel > Customizing > Quick Configure, or you can replace any of these button or icon sets with images of your own. (See Custom Images.)

The next page lets you set up the Sysop email address, as shown in figure 9.


Figure 9 - the sysop email address


The sysop (System Operator) is the the person in charge of maintaining the Web Crossing server and is in ultimate control of all the features. The address set here will be the address that people write to to ask questions and seek help when they have problems.

After you click on the Set E-mail Address button the next page will be your certificate (licensing) setup page, as shown in figure 10.

Figure 10 - Installing a Certificate


You can read more about the different licenses available and what "1T" means in the Section on Licensing. After clicking the Install Certificate button you will next see the sysop password setting form shown in figure 11.


Figure 11 - setting the sysop password


The sysop password is your most important wall of security against unauthorized access. Choose your password well! Don't choose a password that somebody can guess, like your birthday, or the name of your dog, or a hobby. The best passwords are:

  1. Easy to remember
  2. Impossible for somebody to guess
  3. Completely unrelated to anything having to do with you or your system

In other words, "clever" passwords based on your life are not clever passwords at all.

What we usually recommend for passwords is to build it up out of three parts:

  1. A random word chosen by opening a book to a random page
  2. A number
  3. Another random word

For example: book2time, sky4hire, team7food, etc. These are easy to remember, but nobody can possibly guess them, right? Anyway, choose a good password, write it down someplace secure, enter it and click on the Set Password button to continue.

Warning: If you lose your sysop password you will either have to throw away your Web Crossing database and start from scratch, restore from a backup or ask Lundeen & Associates for help in retrieving your password from the webx.db database. The latter alternative requires sending Web Crossing, Inc. your webx.db file and may incur charges for this special assistance. So - please don't lose your password! (^_^)


Finally (!) your installation is complete and you should see the page shown in figure 12.


Figure 12 - your Web Crossing server installation and setup is complete!


Your next step is to click on the link (in your server, not in figure 12 ) and enter your conference. To go on and do some basic customization, you might want to refer to the handy Web Crossing Configuration Quick Setup Checklist section next. Good luck, and have fun!


I am seeing broken images instead of the login button. What should I do?

  • The cause of this problem is that your Images folder is not in the proper location. If the location you have specified is Images then remember - this refers to the Images folder in the web server's root directory.

    If you are running Web Crossing under an external server (in CGI mode), then the Images folder should be located in the external server's root directory, not in the Web Crossing folder itself. For example, if you are running Apache under Linux, the Images directory should be moved to /Esc/httpd/home/htdocs (or whatever the root directory for your Apache server is).

    If you are running in direct service mode, then the Images folder should be located in Web Crossing's web serving root directory - which is usually inside the html folder (inside the Web Crossing folder).

I am using Mac OS PPC or Windows and I already have an images folder in my web server's root directory. If I put Web Crossing's Images folder in the same directory I either have to overwrite my images directory or merge the two, because both directories have the same name (folder names are not case sensitive in either Mac OS or Windows). What should I do?

  • Change the name of your Web Crossing's Images folder to something else, such as webxImages, and also change the location of the Images Directory in the Control Panel > General Settings.

I didn't set up my Images Directory correctly and now I can't see any buttons at all. How can I get into the Sysop Control Panel to change my Images Directory location?

  • Web Crossing has URL Command Codes that let you jump directly into Web Crossing and perform maintenance work, such as resetting the file cache, entering the control panel, etc.

    If you need to get directly in to your Control Panel, you can use command 59, as in http://yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/webx?59@@ - just substitute your domain and script name for the part in red.


Refer to the documentation included with your installer for the latest release information.

Sysop docs:

  • Customizing
    • Quick Configure

Web Crossing FAQ:


A Non-Programmer's Guide to Web Crossing
by Sue Boettcher and Doug Lerner

© 2000 Web Crossing, Inc.